Missing FIRST ROD position stickers?

If you are missing any ‘FIRST ROD POSITION’ stickers on your trampoline frame, net or mat, please carefully read the note below that pertains to your specific Springfree model. Do not try installing the frame without following these instructions. Once you’ve read the section that pertains to your trampoline model, the rest of the installation instructions in your manual should make sense.


  • Frame – to locate the ‘FIRST ROD POSITION’ on the frame, count 2 sockets to the RIGHT of an the intersection of where two frames connect. This will serve as your ‘FIRST ROD POSITION.’
  • Net –to locate the ‘FIRST ROD POSITION’ on the net, locate the doorway on the net and specifically, the vertical zipper. The ‘FIRST ROD POSITION’ is located directly underneath the vertical zipper. Line-up that hole with the ‘FIRST ROD POSITION’ location on the frame.
  • Mat – there are no ‘FIRST ROD POSITION’ stickers on the mat.


  • Frame – to locate the ‘FIRST ROD POSITION’ on the frame, count 3 sockets to the RIGHT of an the intersection of where two frames connect. This will serve as your ‘FIRST ROD POSITION.’
  • Net – to locate the ‘FIRST ROD POSITION’ on the net, locate the doorway on the net and specifically, the vertical zipper. The ‘FIRST ROD POSITION’ tag is located directly underneath the vertical zipper. Line-up that hole with the ‘FIRST ROD POSITION’ location on the frame.
  • Mat – there are no ‘FIRST ROD POSITION’ stickers on the mat.


  • Frame – to locate the ‘FIRST ROD POSITION’ on the frame, locate the frame intersection at either end with the two orange stickers. Now, count 3 sockets to the RIGHT from the intersection of where the two frame sections connect. This will serve as your ‘FIRST ROD POSITION.’
  • Net – to locate the ‘FIRST ROD POSITION’ on the net, locate the doorway on the net and specifically, the vertical zipper. The ‘FIRST ROD POSITION’ tag is located directly underneath the vertical zipper – be sure to include the hole directly beneath the zipper. Once you’ve located that hole, line it up with the ‘FIRST ROD POSITION’ location on the frame.
  • Mat – to locate the ‘FIRST ROD POSITION’ on the mat, locate the warning tags on the mat surface. The ‘FIRST ROD POSITION’ is located 11 cleats to the LEFT of the left edge of the warning tags – be sure to include the cleat directly beneath the left side of the warning tags. Once you’ve located that cleat, line it up with the ‘FIRST ROD POSITION’ location on the frame and the net.


  • Frame – to locate the ‘FIRST ROD POSITION’ on the frame, locate a frame intersection where there is curved frame on the left and a straight frame on the right. From that intersection, count 5 sockets to the RIGHT from the intersection of where two frames connect. This will serve as your ‘FIRST ROD POSITION.’
  • Net – to locate the ‘FIRST ROD POSITION’ on the net, locate the doorway on the net and specifically, the vertical zipper. The ‘FIRST ROD POSITION’ tag is located directly underneath the vertical zipper. Line-up that hole with the ‘FIRST ROD POSITION’ location on the frame.
  • Mat – to locate the ‘FIRST ROD POSITION’ on the mat, locate the warning tags on the mat surface. The ‘FIRST ROD POSITION’ is located 2 cleats to the RIGHT of the right edge of the warning tags – be sure to include the cleat directly beneath the right side of the warning tags. Once you’ve located that cleat, line it up with the ‘FIRST ROD POSITION’ location on the frame and the net.


  • Frame – to locate the ‘FIRST ROD POSITION’ on the frame, locate the frame intersection where there is curved frame on the left and a straight frame on the right. From that intersection, count 5 sockets to the RIGHT from the intersection of where two frames connect. This will serve as your ‘FIRST ROD POSITION.’
  • Net – to locate the ‘FIRST ROD POSITION’ on the net, locate the doorway on the net and specifically, the vertical zipper. The ‘FIRST ROD POSITION’ tag is located directly underneath the vertical zipper. Line-up that hole with the ‘FIRST ROD POSITION’ location on the frame.
  • Mat – to locate the ‘FIRST ROD POSITION’ on the mat, locate the warning tags on the mat surface. The ‘FIRST ROD POSITION’ is located 3 cleats to the LEFT of the left edge of the warning tags. Once you’ve located that cleat, line it up with the ‘FIRST ROD POSITION’ location on the frame and the net.

If your trampoline has all of the ‘FIRST ROD POSITION’ stickers and tags  and you are still having difficulty with installation, please contact customer service at 1-800 JUMP SAFE