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Two Minute Moves with Springfree Trampoline

min read

Two Minute Moves with Springfree Trampoline

Over a decade ago, I had a baby and a toddler and perinatal depression. Everything felt so overwhelming. All the time, freedom and motivation I used to have to exercise had vanished. I could hardly get myself to put a load of washing away, let alone get to the bootcamp class I used to do before baby number 2 came along.

It was at this time that I somehow managed to start doing workouts at home. Not for half an hour or even 15-minutes. All I could bring myself to do was two-minutes. I began to realise that none of my exercise obstacles and excuses could get in the way of this little moment where I was, on the advice of my doctor, ‘putting my oxygen mask on first before assisting others’. And so every day, no matter what, when I’d say to myself that I didn’t have the time, that I was too tired, that it felt too hard, that I was too unfit…I’d say, just do two-minutes.

Exercise can often go to the bottom of our to-do lists. We’ve got deadlines, kids activities, housework and social lives to maintain. We can’t find that hour to go to the gym or can’t get out of the house to have a 30-minute run so we wait for tomorrow or the next day or the next to exercise. And when exercise feels like a chore or a punishment for eating a certain way, it can get even harder to convince ourselves to put on our sneakers and get moving.

When I look out to my yard and see my daughters jumping on our Springfree, moving their bodies in a way that makes them feel good, smiling, laughing, having so much fun, I am always reminded how important it is that I move my body in a way that puts a smile on my face too. To show my kids that as they get older, to keep moving for vitality and joy.

The workouts in this video series are designed to not only get you fitter, improve your core and strength plus give your body a much-needed stretch, but also to have you feeling really, really good. And all you need is two-minutes.

Springfree Strength

As a mum of two girls who absolutely adore their Springfree, I love the fact that it is engineered for safety and built to last. And I want my body to be built to last so I can be there for my kids. Using your Springfree Trampoline is such an effective way to do just that. This “Springfree Strength' workout is going to strengthen your thighs and you are going to feel the burn, fast!


Springfree Stomach

You might know that Springfree is the world’s safest trampoline for your kids. But did you know that you can use it to get a super strong core? Grab a Springfree ball and get ready to give your tummy some love with these ‘Springfree Stomach’ moves. Your tummy muscles will thank you!


Springfree Sweat

The fact that Springfree’s design has eliminated 90% of product related trampoline related injuries should out a smile on your face. As will this ‘Springfree Sweat’ cardio workout. You’ll get your heart pumping and in the process boost serotonin - the ‘feel-good’ hormone - and lower cortisol - the stress hormone. Watch out, you’ll also let your inner child loose!


Springfree Stretch

Isn’t it nice that you can relax in the knowledge that Springfree offer a free full 10-year warranty on the entire trampoline. And wouldn’t it be a nice feeling to have a few minutes to relax yourself? The ‘Springfree Stretch’ is your moment to stretch, star up to the sky, and release your lower back, shoulders, glutes and hamstrings. Enjoy!


Dubbed by Best Self Magazine as the Excuse-Buster from Down-Under”, Lizzy Williamson is a certified Personal Trainer, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Event Energiser, Speaker, and Author of Two Minute Moves.  HerTwo Minute Movesworkouts have been featured on Studio 10, The Today Show, Good Morning America, Lorna Janes YouTube channel and more.  Her Two Minute Movesmake exercise possible when it seems impossible and are shared each week to her @twominutemoves community on Instagram -  Facebook -  and Youtube

To read more about Lizzy’s story head to


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