New Years Resolutions: Do You Need to Change Yours?
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Do you need to change your new year's resolution?
The beginning of a New Year brings the prospect of a fresh start. We can take a step back, re-set and start the New Year off right. Of course, this means the annual tradition of making a list of New Year resolutions.
But at two weeks into the new year already, how are you tracking towards achieving your resolution?
Don't feel bad if the answer is less than desirable - they can be more difficult to keep than you think. In fact only 64% of people make it past the first month.
If you're finding it hard to stick to your resolutions year after year, it may well be that you're setting the wrong resolutions, or taking the wrong approach to achieve them.
At Springfree Trampoline, we believe in living a healthy, happy life.
Check out our list of tips and tricks to make your resolutions stick, and amend yours as needed!
You still have time to set some awesome goals that you will follow through with in 2017.
Top tips for resolutions that stick: 1 - Make One Resolution
Creating just one resolution for the year keeps you more focused on achieving your goal.
2 - Break Resolutions Into Steps
Resolutions are often broad statements like “I want to get healthy this year.” But how can you achieve that goal? Break it down into several smaller, achievable steps and keep that resolution like a pro.
3 - Make Realistic Resolutions
We are more likely to stick with goals when we see progress and feel we can achieve it.
4 - Make Your Resolutions A Habit
How many times have you vowed to start going to the gym, make it out a few times, then continually find yourself making excuses why you can’t go today? Resolutions are more likely to stick once you’ve made it a habit. Keep doing it until it becomes part of your routine. For example, jumping on your Springfree for just 10 minutes a day is a great way to start with health-related resolutions!
5 - Get a Resolution Buddy
Having someone you are accountable to makes you more likely to follow-through.
6 - Treat Yourself
Keeping goals is hard work. Don’t forget to reward yourself for each step towards achieving your goal. This will help keep you motivated!
7 - Expect Set-Backs
Let’s be realistic, it’s easy to fall off the resolutions wagon. But don’t let that stop you from giving up. Just dust yourself off, and keep going.
These tips work for goals, resolutions in general and the classic New Year's resolution. Don't be afraid to adjust yours (or your approach to achieving your resolution) if it doesn't meet the above criteria.
After all, it's all about achieving results to a better you, right?
Have any tips and tricks to keeping your resolutions? Share them with us in the comments!