Conversations with... Dean (Deano) Gladstone

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Conversations with... Dean (Deano) Gladstone

Saying that Deano is best known for being part of the popular Australian docu-series 'Bondi Rescue' would be doing a disservice for the host of other achievements of his, such as national gold medallist in swimming and surf lifesaving as well as being a qualified and practising Personal Trainer, Wim Hof instructor, Yoga Teacher and Holistic Health Coach... phew.

1. We’re curious to learn how you came across Springfree Trampoline and why it is the trampoline of choice for your family?

It's quite simple, actually, my step-mum has one and its epic!

2. Staying active is something we value highly at Springfree. As a fitness expert, what does keeping kids active mean to you?

Keeping kids active, for me, means plenty of outdoor time, having fun. That's the great thing about the Springfree Trampoline, they are still at home and I don't have to worry about them playing in the streets or crossing roads.

3. If there were just three things you would recommend people incorporate into their daily lives to improve their health and wellbeing, what would they be?

As a health coach I look for the simple things that give the most bang for your buck… they include clearing your head, having fun with family and friends, movement, hydration and getting good sleep.

4. What are some of the highs and lows you’ve experienced as a lifesaver for Bondi Beach? 

As a Lifeguard at Bondi Beach we get to help thousands of people every year. Bringing someone back to life is the ultimate way to help someone. On the flip side we do deal with death and danger.

5. What are a couple of stand-out memories and lessons you’ve learned?

For me, learning that helping people is a gift is the best thing I have learnt as a Lifeguard

6. Tell us about your ideal day off?

Wake up, sunny day, warm water big surf session with the kids and a big breakfast after… 

7. Finally, when the travel restriction levels are lowered, are you planning to get away and if so, where will you escape to?

We have actually just been down to the South Coast to support local communities down there. It was just beautiful down there, so much wildlife, which was really awesome for the kids to see and experience.

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