5 Best Trampolines for Gymnastics | Expert Picks + Insight

Upgrade your gymnastics routine with trampolines that meet the highest standards of safety, durability, and performance. Expert-approved choices for every level! 

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5 Best Trampolines for Gymnastics | Expert Picks + Insight

Choosing the best trampoline for gymnastics is no easy task.  

Having enough room to jump is crucial for practicing your gymnast skills. But you also must consider the safety, durability and longevity of the trampoline.   

These are just a few factors we assessed in ranking the top five outdoor trampolines for gymnastics.  

Using our expertise as a trampoline manufacturer, we have meticulously assessed and graded five trampolines on the most important features of gymnastics, including:  

  • Safety features  
  • Trampoline quality and durability  
  • Size and trampoline weight limit (also including jumping room!) 
  • Trampoline design  
  • Trampoline warranty  
  • User reviews 
  • Trampoline cost (Affordability + long-term value)  

Don’t worry, there will be no fluff with this List, just unbiased insights. See below for the results!  

5 Best Backyard Trampolines for Gymnastics This Year  

Before getting into the list, let’s address two common questions about gymnastics trampolines that will help provide more context for the List:  

What is the best shape trampoline for gymnastics? The best shape trampoline for gymnastics will be rectangle, square or large oval trampolines due to their larger jumping room area and uniform bounce.   

What size trampoline is good for gymnastics? A 14 ft or larger trampoline would be ideal for gymnastics. If you need ample space, go with a bigger trampoline size – especially if you have a growing child!   

***Important caveat: Trampolines that use springs take off roughly 2 ft of jumping room. So, a 12 ft trampoline is more like a 10 ft trampoline in size. Notice in the picture below how the blue safety padding takes up around 2 ft of the trampoline’s size (photo courtesy of Amazon): 

A girl jumping on a Skywalker Trampoline. 

Springless trampolines don’t have this issue, since they use alternatives like composite rods or bands. Keep this in mind as you look for a trampoline with plenty of jumping space.  

Now to the list!   

1. Best Budget Trampoline: Kahuna Outdoor Rectangular Trampoline 8ft x 11ft


  • CHOICE expert rating - 36% 
  • Number of serious failures - 2 
  • Performance score - 20%
  • Ease of use score - 73%
  • Trampoline cost - $799

Expert Insight:     

  • Reasonably easy to assemble.
  • The trampoline passes the main structural tests: the frame and enclosure are strong and durable.
  • Good bounce quality.    
  • The padding isn't durable enough; and the trampoline has entrapment hazards between the mat and the enclosure net. 

The Verdict: Kahuna's Trampoline is a good intro gymnastics trampoline for limited budgets and/or young children. However, its key safety failures likely rule it out for families with gymnasts at higher levels.    

Photo courtesy of Kahuna.   

2. Best for Jumping Room: Oz Trampoline 10 x 15ft Summit 

  • CHOICE expert rating - 34% 
  • Number of serious failures - 3 
  • Performance score - 20%
  • Ease of use score - 67%
  • Clear instructions for assembly and use
  • Relatively affordable for a gymnastics backyard trampoline
  • Trampoline cost - $899      

The Verdict: Oz Trampoline’s Summit Trampoline is a good size for older gymnasts and a good option for smaller budgets. However, its enclosure's failed durability likely rule it out for families with long-term gymnastic trampoline goals.



Photo courtesy of Oz Trampolines.   

3. Best Inground Trampoline: Mr Trampoline


  • Highest quality terylene woven mat (important for a deep, soft bounce)
  • All-weather rubber based undercoat on the woven mat (for longevity)
  • Heavy duty 11″ springs (for a deep, soft controllable bounce)
  • High quality padding and rubber surrounds for safety
  • Hot dipped galvanised RHS steel frame (won't rust even in coastal areas)
  • Trampoline cost - from $8,070   

The Verdict: This is a high-quality, solid bouncing spring Trampoline .   If you have a committed or professional gymnast in the family this is the trampoline for you, but you would need to provide your own safety precautions as the trampolines don't come with a net.

Photo courtesy of Mr Trampoline.  


4. Best Premium Trampoline: Springfree Large Oval Trampoline 



  • CHOICE expert rating - 90% 
  • Number of serious failures - 0 
  • Performance score - 100%
  • Ease of use score - 67%
  • Overall, the best trampoline on test.
  • Passes all structural, impact and safety tests.
  • Overall assembly harder than for most other models.
  • Trampoline cost - $2,299     

    The Verdict: Springfree Trampolines have proved to be the safest, highest-quality and longest-lasting trampolines on the market. For gymnasts, the maximization of jumping space without taking up your whole backyard is a huge plus. 

    The upfront cost is high, and the assembly process can be complicated for some. Taken altogether, though, you won’t find a better brand of home trampoline for gymnastics.   

    Which Gymnastics Trampoline Fits in Your Yard? 

    The five trampolines on this List each have their pros and cons, and choosing which trampoline is best for your gymnast goals is ultimately your decision.    

    By informing yourself of your options, you have substantially increased your chances of a successful purchase. A pat on the back is well deserved!  

    Before you go, check out our free Augmented Reality Tool. It will allow you to virtually place a trampoline in your backyard to see what it will look like before committing. Just follow these three simple steps:  

    1. Visit Springfree Trampoline’s website on your phone.   
    1. Select a Trampoline and tap the AR icon.   
    1. Use your phone to view, adjust, and screenshot the Trampoline in your yard.    

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